Cool Training courses

on workplace rules and standards

Cool Training courses

on workplace rules and standards

Cool Training courses

on workplace rules and standards

Cool Training courses

on workplace rules and standards

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A unique offer of courses in food safety and occupational health and safety

Get access to 10 new training courses covering the basic notions to ensure minimum standards of safety in food processing.

Combine this offer with six hours of training on basic knowledge in occupational health and safety risk prevention.

The benefits of promoting Cool Training

Providing employees and collaborators with a much-needed access to professional and effective—as well as cool and approachable—e-learning content.

Teaching employees the standards and regulations essential to the proper functioning of companies in a way that isn’t perceived as a chore.

Significantly reducing training times by focusing attention and securing better engagement.

Guaranteeing better retention of learned information through the use of comedic media and the positive emotions humour generates.

Offering a simple way to manage trainings and results thanks to a reliable LMS.

Allowing for significant savings compared to similar approaches offered on the market.


Register an account on our demo platform and enjoy full access to our course list.

    Get a quote by completing the following short form.

    Our catalogues

    Cool Training catalogues
    1 +

    Our current catalogue offers more than 85 animated training and micro-training courses created and produced in accordance with precise cool training criteria.

    Built based on fundamental elements of cognitive science.

    As well as the operational reality of companies and the specific know-how of experts from the relevant sectors.

    Designed with a skillfully chosen visual appeal that perfectly illustrates workplace situations or environments otherwise difficult to portray.

    And narrated by specialists in French and English (Spanish subtitles also available).

    Cool Training

    Occupational health and safety

    Excerpts from our training courses

    Workplace Etiquette
    Play Video about L'étiquette du lieu de travail
    How to adjust a computer workstation
    Play Video about Comment ajuster un poste de travail informatisé
    How to adjust a computer workstation
    Play Video about Comment utiliser un harnais de sécurité
    How to use a safety harness
    Play Video about Comment utiliser une protection respiratoire
    How to use respiratory protection

    More than 70 training and micro-training courses.

    Which cover most of the basic elements related to risk prevention and occupational health and safety.

    Tens of thousands of learners have already enjoyed the user-friendly, simple, and effective experience provided by these training courses.

    Training content developed for Novo Studio, an integrated OHS training platform operated by Novo Studio, a Quebec prevention mutual and industry leader.

    Cool Training

    Food safety

    Excerpts from our training courses

    Play Video about Travailler avec les allergènes
    Maintenance Personnel
    Play Video about Personnel de maintenance
    Good manufacturing practices
    Play Video about Le défis du nettoyage et de l'assainissement
    Cleaning and sanitizing
    Basic Food Defense Awareness in Facility
    Play Video about Protection de la chaîne alimentaire en usine
    Basic food defense awareness in a facility

    7 training and micro-training courses with a focus on allergen awareness, food supply defense, and cleaning and sanitizing procedures in a dry food manufacturing facility.

    A programme covering the basics to ensure minimum standards of safety within food processing factories.

    Training content developed in association with Biscuits Leclerc, a Quebec company that employs more than 1200 employees and whose products are distributed in more than 25 countries.

    Cool Training

    Road transport

    Excerpts from our training courses

    Driver fatigue management
    Play Video about Gestion de la fatigue au volant
    Driver fatigue management
    Play Video about Déneigement routier
    Road snow removal - The basics
    Play Video about Déneigement commercial
    Commercial snow removal - The basics
    Play Video about Conduite sécuritaire d'un véhicule lourd
    Safe driving of a heavy vehicle

    8 training and micro-training courses directly depicting and relating to the realities of entrepreneurs and workers in the road transport industry.

    A programme that covers residential, commercial, and road snow removal procedures, the safe driving of heavy vehicles, and artesian well installation.

    Training content developed to meet the needs of the Association of Heavy Machinery Owners in Quebec (APMLQ), an organization that brings together more than 500 companies employing nearly 5000 employees.

    Cool Training


    Examples of prices

    Basic offer

    Our basic offer for a one-year subscription to a package of ten training courses generally starts at around CAN$50 (€40 or US$40) per user (with a minimum of ten users).

    Reduced prices

    The higher the number of users increases, the lower the annual price per user will be. The price could go down to as little as CAN$20 (€15 or US$15).

    In addition, combining two or more offers allows you to take advantage of a starting discount of up to 25% off the regular price for each of the offers. Do not hesitate to request a quote in order to get a better idea of our prices, applied to your situation, with possible discounts.

    About us

    Cool Training Inc. is the result of a business project developed by two professionals specialized in digital media, communication, and training.

    Cool Training

    Gilbert Ouellette

    Partner and Managing Director

    Closely linked with the development of the media and creative industries in Quebec for more than 25 years. His broad experience has transformed him into a seasoned strategist and expert in the various models of dissemination and distribution of online content.

    Frédéric Lambert

    Partner and Content Manager

    A seasoned producer with more than 2000 training courses under his belt, all designed and delivered over the past 20 years as Chair of Panache Studios.

    Cool Training Inc. is an internationally recognized Montreal business. A veritable centre of knowledge and production, it stands out among the rest for its creative effervescence as well as its thorough research within the cognitive science and artificial intelligence sectors.

    What we're looking for

    Reseller Partnerships

    Become a reseller partner and join us in offering highly educational and economically proven training and micro-training programmes.

    We are actively seeking partners fit to help us expand internationally and to showcase cool learning content on workplace rules and standards to an ever-growing audience, especially within the European and North American markets.


    To learn more about our partnership conditions and our pricing plans or to access our demo platform for a complete overview of all our catalogues, do not hesitate to contact Gilbert Ouellette, Partner and Managing Director at [email protected].